Participant Information

This study is being conducted by the RoomReader project, a collaboration between University College Dublin (UCD), Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the ADAPT Centre, Microsoft Ireland, and Microsoft Research Cambridge.

Title of Study

Student Experiences with Online Tutorials during COVID-19

Description of Study

The current study involves an hour interview with students on their experience in participating in tutorials online. This study is being conducted to better understand the exact issues being encountered during online tutorials so that better technology can be developed to assist both the tutor and the students.

What Participation Entails

To take part in this study, you must meet the following requirements:

Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may choose to withdraw at any time for any reason. If you wish to withdraw from the study, any data collected up to that point will be deleted, with no disadvantage to you. The study is conducted in accordance with the British Psychological Society and UCD Ethics guidelines.

You will be invited to participate in an online interview where you will be asked about your experiences as a student during online tutorials. The interview is planned to take no longer than 1 hour, and will cover topics such as differences between online and offline tutorials and the role of technology. The interview audio will be saved for later transcription. You will also be asked to fill in a short questionnaire of key demographic information (e.g. age, gender, subject area) that may be relevant to improving the quality of the analysis.


As compensation for your time, you will receive a €15 one4all voucher.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

To be able to transcribe the content of the interview, an audio recording will be made. This recording will be downloaded and then deleted from Zoom’s servers within 7 days. The audio recording will then be pitch shifted to remove the identifying properties of your voice, and will be connected only to an ID number, along with the collected demographic information. The recording will then be transcribed and the content will be analysed for key themes. The recording may be shared with a GDPR-compliant third party transcription service. Permission to conduct this data processing is provided through your informed consent to take part, which you may revoke at any time. As the data will only be connected to your ID, if you wish to withdraw your data for any reason following the study, you will be asked to supply your ID number. If you wish to withdraw during the experiment, no ID number will be needed.

The data will be used to inform the research question and may be used for publication purposes. While being processed, the data will be stored on an encrypted, password protected folder on the UCD Drive server, with access only given to the researchers involved in this project. De-identified data, such as transcripts of the interviews, may be shared with other researchers, including those from UCD, Trinity College, and the ADAPT Centre. After five years, your data will be archived on an encrypted, password-protected hard drive owned by UCD.


There are no perceived risks from participating in this study above what would be expected from an educational setting. However, if you are not comfortable during the interview for any reason, you have the option to refuse to answer any question or to withdraw from the study completely.


The results of this study may be disseminated through publication, and samples from the transcripts may be shared for this purpose. If you wish to receive information on the findings of this study, please use the contact details provided below.


RoomReader is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the Covid 19 Rapid Response Call 2 - Solutions for Rapid Economic Recovery (20/COV/8537), in collaboration with UCD, TCD, Microsoft Ireland, and Microsoft Research Cambridge.

Follow-up or Complaints

If you would like to receive updates once the results of this study have been published or disseminated, please use the contact details below to show your interest. In addition, if you have any complaints about the study, please send them to appropriate institutions below.

Contact Details

Dr Diego Garaialde, Lead Researcher

Dr Benjamin Cowan, Principal Investigator

UCD Ethics Committee

UCD Data Protection Office